Journeyman Training
Steps to Apply for Medical Gas Installer/Braze Certification Exam
1. Click on Med Gas application (Button Below), Download, and Fill out Form
2. Once form is complete, then Click on Certification Class Link (Button Above) to sign up for class
3. Complete class sign-up and then Scroll to bottom of page.
4. Check Med Gas 40 Hour Class and Select the Date
5. Upload your Med Gas Application
6. Pay by clicking "Debit or Credit Card" | Follow Instructions and submit payment.
Application for Medical Gas Installer/Braze Certification Examination
Medical Gas Re-Certification
Please have the form below copied onto your company's letterhead and signed by your Supervisor/Foreman
(He must have witnessed you make a braze in the past 6 months.)
The most recent date you put on your form will be your renewal date.
If you have not made a braze within the past 6 months, please call and we will schedule a date and
time for you to come to the school for this procedure.
The date on the continuity form must be on, or before the expiration date.
If your Medical Gas Certification is not with the United Association, then we cannot re-certify your medical gas braze.
You will need to contact the company or school that certified you ORIGINALLY.
Weld Continuity Update
Download the UA Weld Continuity Form below. Have your foreman complete the form and mail or fax it to this office. Make sure your date on this form does not exceed your expiration date on your UA Weld card. Continuity forms must be turned in every six months or less to prevent loss of your certifications.
Effective June 1, 2019 - Send Weld Continuity Forms to weldcont@72jatt.com.
Do not send to the old fax number of the weld school.
For information or questions regarding the welding program or welding tests:
Contact Joe Waldroup, Welding Coordinator
678-486-7600 ext. 300 | joewaldroup@72jatt.com